Climate Ready Clyde


Changes to Climate Ready Clyde

Changes to Climate Ready Clyde

We are delighted to announce new internal arrangements that elevates Climate Ready Clyde into a new phase of delivery of the Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan.

A Vision for a Climate Neutral and Climate Resilient Innovation District

A Vision for a Climate Neutral and Climate Resilient Innovation District

Roddy Yarr, Assistant Director of Sustainability at University of Strathclyde and Board Member for Climate Ready Clyde outlines his thoughts on what it would look like for GCR to be flourishing in its future climate, and how the University of Strathclyde is contributing to get us there.

Our Vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley

Our Vision for Glasgow and the Clyde Valley

The measures that we take to build resilience will reduce the direct impact from climate and have benefits for our economy, environment and society. People are at the heart of a Climate Ready Clyde as we set out a vision for our future with a changing climate.