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Action Group

The Climate Ready Clyde Action group represents funding organisations. Members have the seniority, networks and capacity to drive forward delivery of the Glasgow City Region Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan. Each funding organisation appoints one representative to the group, with local authorities represented collectively by two people appointed through Glasgow City Region.


Roddy Yarr

Dr. Roddy Yarr


Director of Sustainability
University of Glasgow

Roddy is a sustainability expert who is responsible for the development and delivery of climate change and social responsibility initiatives that address the University’s response to net zero and sustainability issues across all of its operational assets.

Roddy was previously Executive Lead Sustainability at University of Strathclyde, leading the team delivering the University’s Climate Change and Social Responsibility Plan and net zero targets. Roddy successfully led the delivery of the £20M District Heating project at the main campus. He developed the design and funding programme that has enabled the delivery of the University’s first energy carbon neutral building in operation at the new National Manufacturing Institute Scotland.

Roddy also developed an innovative, bold and collaborative ‘Climate Neutral Districts’ vision deploying 100% renewable heat, power, active travel, adaptation and well being solutions across all University assets in the central belt of Scotland. The vision takes a partnership approach to enable ‘scale and speed’ of climate action in Glasgow and region, with people at the centre.

Roddy advises the Sustainable Glasgow Partnership and he is Convenor of Climate Ready Clyde. Roddy leads the Clyde Mission Net Zero Group that is seeking to decarbonise and adapt the Clyde Corridor. Roddy is a board member of the Clyde Climate Forest Programme Group and an external advisor and Board member of the West Dunbartonshire Energy Company which operates the award winning Queens Quay Heat Pump and Energy Centre. He is an external advisor to the Scottish Parliament’s Sustainability Board and to the Glasgow Metro Project.

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Heather Holland

Executive Officer, Land Planning & Development, East Dunbartonshire Council

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Stewart Miller

Sustainability Manager, University of Glasgow



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Ross Nimmo

Head of Place

Glasgow City Region

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David Charles

Head of Climate Operations

University of Strathclyde

David Harley photo

David Harley

Interim Chief Officer, Circular Economy

David Harley is Interim Chief Officer for Circular Economy at SEPA. David has worked for SEPA and predecessor bodies since 1991 in a wide variety of roles including ecological assessment, regulation, water policy and water framework directive implementation. His priority is on focussing SEPA’s considerable water and planning expertise and talent towards securing a more circular economy, in line with SEPA’s One Planet Prosperity vision.

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Bruce Kiloh

Head of Policy
Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT)

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Matt Grady

Head of Climate Engagement, Community Action and Adaptation Policy, Scottish Government (Observer)

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