Media enquiries
We welcome a wide range of press and media enquiries related to Climate Ready Clyde and our projects. If you wish to get in touch with us for broadcast or print media, please use the following details:
Ben Connor
Head of Climate Ready Placemaking, Sniffer
More general, non urgent enquiries should be directed to
Media centre
Our most recent press releases are listed below:
New project: Creative Climate Futures
Glasgow is already feeling the impacts of climate change. This includes milder, wetter winters, more summer heatwaves, and more frequent, heavier downpours. We need to build resilience to these impacts and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions that are contributing to climate change. This means our neighbourhoods will need to look and feel very different if […]Read More »Creating Climate Resilient Communities
On the 15th of November, Sniffer, in partnership with Climate Ready Clyde, hosted an in-person event for communities and community organisations in Glasgow City Region, supported by Adaptation Scotland and local authorities. The aim of the event was to create a foundation to support more meaningful, wider community participation in place-based climate adaptation and resilience, […]Read More »Climate Ready Clyde Independent Interim Assessment of Progress: Invitation to quote
Sniffer are looking to appoint a suitably qualified consultant to undertake an independent assessment of progress for the Climate Ready Clyde initiative. Sniffer provides the Secretariat function for Climate Ready Clyde. Climate Ready Clyde is a cross-sector initiative funded by 13 member organisations and supported by the Scottish Government to create a shared vision, strategy and action plan for an adapting and resilient Glasgow City […]Read More »Elected members webinar – Glasgow City Region: flourishing in the future climate
As part of Scotland’s Climate Week 2022, we are hosting a special webinar for elected members from across Glasgow City Region’s eight local authorities. There is a choice of two repeated sessions: Tuesday 27 September, 10:00 – 11:00 Friday 30 September, 14:00 – 15:00 Online registration is now open. Glasgow City Region’s climate is already […]Read More »Clyde Rebuilt launches in new partnership with EIT Climate-KIC
New collaboration sees Clyde Rebuilt help Glasgow City Region innovate to flourish in a future climate The citizens of the Glasgow City Region face the risk of more frequent floods and other bad weather events, resulting in damage to homes, roads and railways, and stresses to hospitals and emergency services as global temperatures rise due […]Read More »Climate Ready Clyde and Glasgow City Region respond to Scottish Parliament’s enquiry on delivering a Green Recovery
The Scottish Parliament’s Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform committee recently announced a call for views on the topic of a Green Recovery. In response, Climate Ready Clyde led a response, which was endorsed by Glasgow City Region’s Regional Economic Partnership, where we set out 6 calls to action in response to the Committee on […]Read More »Report: The economic and financial risk of climate change for Glasgow City Region and proposed adaptation options
A changing climate not only presents a risk to society and the environment, it is also a significant economic and financial risk for Glasgow City Region. The climate debate has changed and public lenders and financial markets are now aware of climate change. As a result, climate risks are now being considered as financial risks. […]Read More »New approaches needed in Glasgow city region to cope with future heatwaves
A new report released today by climate adaptation group, Climate Ready Clyde has issued stark warnings around high forecasted temperatures in the West of Scotland and their potential to affect public health and infrastructure. Prepared by academics at University of Edinburgh, the findings in Mapping Future Heatwave Extremes are based on the MET Office’s official […]Read More »Climate Ready Clyde releases full climate risk and opportunity assessment for Glasgow City Region
Full scope of climate change impacts for Glasgow City Region made available to support efforts to build climate resilience Assessment available to support organisations and individuals preparing for climate change, as City Region prepares strategic response Climate Ready Clyde has today released its full assessment of the potential impacts of climate change for Glasgow City […]Read More »Glasgow City Region sets out first comprehensive climate risk assessment as world leaders discuss city resilience
For immediate release Glasgow City Region sets out first comprehensive climate risk assessment as world leaders discuss city resilience City Region pledges new action in light of report setting out key risks posed by climate change Over 70 of Glasgow City Region’s leaders and decision makers came together today in Glasgow, to kick off the […]Read More »