Climate Ready Clyde

A new phase for Climate Ready Clyde: towards transformational adaptation

Posted on 24 June 2022

The last twelve months have seen a step change for Climate Ready Clyde. In June 2021 we published the first Glasgow City Region Climate Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan. Recognised as both a national and international exemplar, the Strategy and Action Plan sets out an ambitious vision for a City Region flourishing in the future climate, and a transformational approach to adapting to the climate challenge and ensuring that everyone benefits from doing so.

Already, progress is being made on the sixteen Flagship Actions identified as key first steps towards the transformative vision set out in the Adaptation Strategy. This includes setting up a new Local Authority Forum for Collaborative Climate Adaptation Action, the growth of Clyde Climate Forest, and informing the development of the Clyde Mission. But these actions represent a significant change from business as usual, and therefore also demand a change in how we operate.

Starting this month, our new structure is made up of three functions working closely together. These are:

New governance structure

Therefore, as we now move from the successful design of the Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan, into delivery, Climate Ready Clyde is entering a new phase. We are pleased to announce our new governance structure, that aims to take climate adaptation action and engagement across Glasgow City Region to the next level.
Building on the interim arrangements announced in February, this new structure seeks to help create the conditions for regional transformation. This includes creating opportunities for a wider range of organisations and sectors to participate in Climate Ready Clyde, strengthening leadership and driving systems change.

Action Group
Representing our 15 funding organisations, the role of the Action Group is to collaboratively drive delivery of the Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan, to provide oversight and strategic direction, and to build connections with and influence other initiatives within Glasgow City Region and beyond. Action Group members have the seniority, networks and capacity to influence change. Following on from his role as Interim Chair of the Climate Ready Clyde board, Dr Roddy Yarr, Executive Lead Sustainability at the University of Strathclyde is the first convenor of the Action Group.

Technical Secretariat
The role of the Secretariat, provided by sustainability charity Sniffer, is to act as a catalyst, helping to create the enabling environment for the delivery of the Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan. This includes supporting and facilitating the work of the Action Group, leading on communications and engagement, identifying new funding opportunities and scope for innovation, and monitoring and evaluating progress.

Independent Ambassadors
Our new Independent Ambassador will be champions for Climate Ready Clyde and advocates for adaptation action across Glasgow City Region. Their role will include raising our profile in the media and with senior decision-makers and beyond, as well as providing scrutiny and strategic advice to the work of the Action Group and Technical Secretariat. Our former chair, Professor James Curran, is our first interim ambassador, and we will be recruiting further ambassadors – high profile people with influence within the City Region – later this year.

Looking forward
This new governance structure aims to build on the success of Climate Ready Clyde to date, whilst also enabling greater inclusivity, more joined-up working and collaboration, and distributed leadership. In the year ahead, our focus will be on accelerating the delivery of the sixteen Flagship Actions identified in the Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan. We are inviting a wider range of organisations and sectors to be part of and contribute to the initiative – as members of the Action Group, as Ambassadors, or in helping to deliver specific actions. If you would like to contribute to this new, ambitious phase of Climate Ready Clyde, please get in touch.