Climate Ready Clyde

Climate Ready Clyde and Glasgow City Region respond to Scottish Parliament’s enquiry on delivering a Green Recovery

Posted on 10 August 2020

The Scottish Parliament’s Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform committee recently announced a call for views on the topic of a Green Recovery. In response, Climate Ready Clyde led a response, which was endorsed by Glasgow City Region’s Regional Economic Partnership, where we set out 6 calls to action in response to the Committee on Climate Change’s framework, aimed at making the Green Recovery a reality. The 6 areas were:

  1. Climate investments should take a portfolio approach to maximise the economic, environmental and wider resilience wins.
  2.  The green recovery needs to be anchored in a consensual and inclusive decision-making process with the public and businesses and public sector.
  3. Addressing the wider resilience deficit requires stronger regulation, and more holistic approaches to environmental challenges.
  4. Focus investment on the people and places that are most vulnerable to climate change
  5. Attach clear, transparent conditions to wider economic recovery support to avoid lock in, and secure wider sustainability gains
  6. Review the Scottish Government’s taxes, duties and levies to create a better environment for a green recovery.