by DigitalEssence | Feb 1, 2022 | News
We are delighted to announce new internal arrangements that elevates Climate Ready Clyde into a new phase of delivery of the Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan. As we move to a new structure over the coming months, early, interim arrangements are now in place. After...
by DigitalEssence | Apr 1, 2021 | Publications
2020/21 has been a year of significant growth in action and ambition for Climate Ready Clyde. Despite the pandemic, we partnered with EIT Climate-KIC, through their Forging Resilient Regions, and our dedicated Clyde Rebuilt project to create the conditions for...
by DigitalEssence | Mar 2, 2021 | Publications
This report summarises the research and the learning in the use of culture for transformational adaptation undertaken by Creative Carbon Scotland as part of the Clyde Rebuilt project. These were a unique facet of the project which spanned the whole process from...
by DigitalEssence | Feb 9, 2021 | News
Roddy Yarr, Assistant Director of Sustainability at University of Strathclyde and Board Member for Climate Ready Clyde outlines his thoughts on what it would look like for GCR to be flourishing in its future climate, and how the University of Strathclyde is...
by DigitalEssence | Dec 8, 2020 | Publications
This report is the synthesis of a literature review which was undertaken as part of the Clyde Rebuilt project to help define transformational adaptation and inform the development of Climate Ready Clyde’s Innovation Portfolio. The review has explored the theoretical...